Thursday, May 24, 2012

last of the year.

Wow, it was sad to say goodbye to the senior class on Sunday but I think they are ready to move on... which is good, they should be.

Luke preached a message from Mark 12:29-31 about Loving God with your Heart (emotions), Soul (being), Mind (intellect), Strength (will), and that this can be the Summer of Love. 

When we love God with our affection and all our emotions we go beyond what we feel and live in the truth = loving God at the core.

When we love God with our soul & being ... it's loving Him with the deepest part of us... the innermost part of you - the immaterial and what science can't measure.

When we love God with our mind & intellect... the more you know about Him, the more awesome you realize He is... there's no 'honeymoon period' that is going to end and disappointments are going to show up... He always lives up to his character.

When we love God with our strength & will... the rubber meets the road.  When we know about Him we live for him.  Often our problem isn't that we don't 'know' but that we are too weak to follow through.  Strength in Him comes from consistency & discipline.

Summer of LOVE... everything we do affects who we are.  Make choices that reflect as such.  

and so the Summer of LOVE begins,

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