Sunday, August 12, 2012

the choice to trust.

there's points in which life is glorious... everyday you wake up and the sun is shining, the birds are chirping (& no, it's not a sound machine), and everything seems right in the world.

there's also points in which life is a choice to trust... the sun might be shining but you see the clouds... the birds are chirping and the noise in your life is crowding them out, and everything you try to do seems like it has twelve hurdles in front of it.

i would say right now i'm in the middle of the spectrum.  everything isn't rosy and perfect (God, forgive us for our cynical nature as we grow older) but everything isn't a frustration either.  but what i would say today is that i have a choice to make.  at moments it seems so easy and other times it seems as if anything would be more simple than this choice to trust the Creator of the world.

you see, there's things on my mind.  people i care about that are hurting.  people that need healing.  people i love who are travelling.  BIG TIME choices for life right before us.  if i'm illustrating the picture it feels pretty hazy and gray and that there are no directions on where to go.  it's 'i don't know.'  like the gps keeps coming back with a dropped pin & can't find the route.  i wish i could live the life of that one commercial where the green arrow points them back to their 401k at their last job (although i wish it would take me to all the right, rosy, perfect answers) .... if only there was that green arrow.

but, i kind of think i know there is a green arrow.
it's not one that points out the whole route today.
and it's not one that answers all my questions like a teller at the bank.
the green arrow is looking up and making the choice to trust the Creator.  
and if i am making that seem like an easy task, forgive me.... it's like, holy cow, this is {sometimes white knuckled} & hard.  
because, quite frankly it's not natural.  

as i was studying God's Word this morning, this was the truth that stuck out to me: (matthew 6 - underlined in blue)

that looking horizontally is usually only going to make me confused and hazy and gray.  but, looking UP is where joy in the midst of the unknown is found.  i don't know about you but that's some good news today.  

and then those last words... do not be anxious for today.... 

when i have chosen to trust God in the past, He has NEVER failed me.  
and every time I've trusted Him in a BIG thing my faith has grown so much.
and so in this choice to trust, i know this in my mind but i'm trying to get this into my heart:
'if i don't choose to trust, i'm missing out because the joy in choosing and resting in Christ, and finding peace in Him instead of my circumstance, and and and.... is a far better thing for me than being all anxious.'

Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow.  
it's a lesson.
it's a deliberate action. 
it's life-giving.
Lord, help me, help us all.

You've got this Lord, let our eyes be ever before you.  
Let us not miss out on what you can teach us by being anxious,
but rather see that your purpose is far greater.  

Looking up & Laying my burdens down,

1 comment:

Renee Cook said...

awesome. thank you for this.