Friday, August 10, 2012

enter: our news.

my posting has been all but regular.
my meals have been extremely picky.
my stomach decides what it wants and when and it better have it.
my kids keep running & i keep chasing them.
my husband has been a rockstar.... always has been.... but i see it especially now.

because i am pregnant.  with child #3.  pregnancy is a beautiful thing.  a lifestyle change; literally every part of your life is affected.  i'm ok with that and i had done it twice before so i was like, let's give it a go....

and it's literally.....  pregnant at 26 is harder than pregnant at 22 or something.

carter claims he's gonna have a sister and her name is gonna be 'johna.'  spoiler alert- we have til february to convince him that there are much better names than that.  as many ask... what would you like to have (as far as gender goes)... and the answer is this:

would love to have a girl because it's new, different, and i love frilly things.  but we would also love to have a boy because we have boys, we know what boys play with, we have lots of clothes, and we have two brothers that are eager to play.  i read this post and it made me confident that the Lord knows best as far as the gender:)

so that's are news.  we are thrilled.  :)


Tara Seals :) said...

woo hoo! Congrats! :)

Kristen said...

Thank you!!!!:) i hope to see you around hca this year as carter will already be in preschool! :)

Kristen said...

Thank you!!!!:) i hope to see you around hca this year as carter will already be in preschool! :)