maybe it's because i've got a two year old and a seven and a half month old and i realize i cannot bring these kids up on my own i need a divine plan... sometimes i think God allowed us to have kids so that i can yet again realize my dependency needs to be upon him....
I loved this little paragraph. it made me be assured that i do what i do for a reason and that even though i have lots of days when i feel inadequate, tired, frustrated, feel like my kids are never going to listen... i remember that it's called parenting and there's a purpose to it.
pg. 97, paragraph 4:
Parenting is your primary calling. Parenting will mean that you can't do all the things that you could otherwise do. It will affect your golf handicap. It may mean your home does not look like a picture from Better Homes and Gardens. It will impact your career and ascent on the corporate ladder. It will alter the kind of friendships you will be available to pursue. It will modify the amount of time you have for bowling, hunting, television, or how many books you read. It will mean that you can't develop every interest that comes along. The costs are high.
shockingly or not... you can take the last sentence literally & figuratively. ;)

i love love love this verse when applied to parenting: hebrews 12:11
For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
amen & amen.
parenting as a weak vessel but with a divine plan,
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