Monday, January 10, 2011

love the Lord YOUR God.

last night was youth group. an amazing group of students who worshiped Christ in such a real way. with reid being so little i stood in the back & in some ways that's the best view in the place... seeing hands lifted high and students really listening to apply God's Word to their life.

Luke spoke from Matthew 22:37... Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, & mind (paraphrased) it was the perfect scripture to look to in order to begin the year on the right foot.

Asking ourselves these questions:
Does God have all my emotions?
Is HE first in my priorities?
Is He honored in all my thoughts?

to arrive with all these things will take a lifetime and at that point we won't have come close to perfect but it is totally worth striving toward.

the thing is that if He is first in my priorities then He will usually fall into place in all the other areas. simple, but true.

thankful for the chance to serve in the high school group,

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