Tuesday, August 28, 2012

before my firstborn goes to school. {the before post}

the official 1st backpack
september 5th will be a big day at our house.  we will have an official preschooler.  as i think upon that day i have nothing holding me back, i simply feel really excited that he gets to experience this new and fun opportunity.  i had the privilege of doing a practicum experience where we are sending him to school and dreamed that my own children could go there no less i could work there and so I am over-the-moon excited about this new adventure.

but, i'm pregnant and there are days that tears flow and i can't stop them.  like that one day not long ago that i was crying over spilt milk, the 'shpeal Costco guy trying to sell me a more expensive membership,' and of course some worthy things to be cried over.  needless to say... i don't think that mascara had any hope of staying put that day.  i don't want to be the mom who their child has to console because she can't handle the fact that he's going to half-day preschool three days a week but don't get me wrong emotion is good and i don't know if it's going to be one of those days that the tears just start flowing....

my solution to date is that i'm going to wear my over-sized sunglasses that day {let's hope it's not raining & i can remember them so it doesn't totally give it away}.  i have a feeling i won't be the only mom with tears if that ends up being the case.

i find this whole new world of preschool interesting because every family does it differently.  i am a lisenced teacher and yet cannot discipline myself enough to daily sit down with carter & go through letters, numbers & such and so i think this really is our best option.
i am so excited for some time with my reid,  my soon-to-be middle child that is getting to be so funny.  i feel like that will be an amazing growth point in he & my relationship.  oh & the fact that it is much easier to do errands with one kid rather than two....(i've gotta maximize the two kid zone while i can:))

so here we venture toward school, the d-day being september 5th & me hoping that {if} i shed tears {they will be} of joy so that Carter can be excited, ready, & not feeling like his mom's feelings are hindering him from jumping in feet first.  i guess we shall see.... and as you know, i'll keep you posted.

upward & onward to new adventures,

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