Friday, December 2, 2011

laugh attack.

so you all know that the Mister just had his birthday.

my mom wanted to get him something nice so we went shopping together and i picked a cardigan out. it was on the sale rack, it was gray, and if you know anything about luke... he loves cardigans. perfect.

he wore it last friday for about two hours and when he came down to leave the house i noticed it was really long on him... which is unusual. he is sooooooo long waisted. but then we were hanging out at home so he threw something else on.

well, yesterday he was getting ready for work and he came down and said...

' kristen, this is a women's sweater.'

and i died laughing. literally had a laugh attack. tears and laughs and couldn't stop crying or laughing to tell the story to others.

ok, but come with me to gap for a second...

this is a mens cardi...

and this is a women's cardi...

was i that off?
or maybe i did it on purpose.... to have a good laugh. and start the day exactly how it should be .... laughing.

he sent out this tweet: True or False: @kgmacdonald bought me a women's sweater from the gap for my birthday last week? so if you were wondering.... the answer is

and now i just sound like a total ditz...
so... happy laugh attack friday,


Lindsey Lindstrom said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA KRISTEN!!! They are on two seperate sides of the store! Didn't you notice you were picking a sweater from the women's department? LOL! This makes me laugh so so hard!!! Any chance you got a pic of Luke in his lady sweater?? Hehe ;-p

The Catheys said...

That is so funny! Thanks for the laugh:)

Red Door said...

BWAHAHA! Oh my gosh, that is seriously the funniest story ever.

Kristen said...

@lindsey.. it was in the men's sale department?! lol