Sunday, May 29, 2011

250th post... reading away:)

it's my 250th post! and it's about reading:)

just wanted to share 3 GREAT books i just finished... a bit of something for everyone.

what's better to do on a rainy memorial day weekend than finish up the books you've been reading.

raising kids: i'm always looking for wisdom and insight in how to best raise my boys. i think it's hard to find down to earth books with solid biblical teaching. i think writing a book about parenting is kind of like writing a book about being pure as a teenage... it's hard to write it in a humble way that doesn't portray you as a perfect parent or with kids that followed a 'so-called formula.' this book showed just that... some principles she learned while painting the picture of a 'normal' family trying to make the best out of their circumstances and to teach their children the principles of the Word. this book came highly recommended and i say the same for you:)

spiritual: we've read this book for our couples bible study and it has been hugely impactful in my life. it made me think out of the box and brought conviction to change. if you haven't read this, you MUST.

marriage: we're coming up on four years of marriage. woohoo! but, i never want to be satisfied with where we are in our marriage or think that our marriage is so great that it's lacking in nothing. just like in our spiritual lives i don't think we'll ever 'arrive' in marriage.... that is unless you've married a perfect man like i have. :) haha! no, but this was a very practical book that helped me to see some unhealthy things that i do as a wife and points of how to change and brought good conversations between us. i'd definitely recommend it.

whether you're in sunny california reading under a palm tree {of which unfortunately i am not;)} or you're in the rain storms of chicago {of which i am:)} I would pick up one or all three of these books and read away:)

happy memorial day.... thanks to those who do and have served for our freedom,

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