Tuesday, April 12, 2011

such is life.

today i had a funny moment.

ok, so luke was busy tonight so the boys & i were on mommy's schedule... which most importantly means that i don't have to cook.

so after running some errands we stopped at little ceaser's. it's cheap, it's quick, & carter like's it. three reasons why i do a lot of things...

but as I walked into LC there was an older woman and her husband.... come to find out it was my sophomore year of high school english teacher....

--------> here comes hilarious memory....

so i was a goody two shoes in high school... brown noser, kiss up, insert your choice phrase here: ______________________.

i never got tardies, like ever. like never got a detention. ever. well, valentine's day of my sophomore year luke and I were going on our very first date, so that day he brought me some roses to school. he gave them to me between periods and so i was quite excited... so excited that i didn't realize the bell was going to ring any second. so i got to english late and this particular teacher thought it was her greatest gift to hand out tardies.

but, she knew me (& that i was never late to class) and later that day when i was carrying my roses around... god-forbid they stay in their locker where no one sees them ;) she took away the tardy because the roses are what caused the tardiness...

i honestly forgot this story until i saw the teacher. i was too shy to say hi. she still seemed it bit ornery.

still tardy-less;)

1 comment:

Renee Cook said...

i think shy was good... commenting "by the way, thanks for taking away the tardy. these are the 2 children i've had with that guy who gave me the roses" could have gone either way... ;)