one of mine was to go to the oprah show.
i thought the dream was over until i found out that my sister in law & i had gotten tickets.
that's when i learned that we knew nothing about the show except that we were going.
then, we found out this week that the night before the show we could see the new jennifer aniston & adam sandler movie for FREE. it is LAUGH OUT LOUD --- HILARIOUS!
this is us when we got downtown to go to that.... don't we look excited [& cold?!] ;)
then, we had to be at Harpo by 7:30. we arrived at 7:15 which was actually the perfect timing...
these are the pics just before leaving our babies for the second time... can you tell we have new babies... our sleepy eyes?!
at the show they have everything down to a science. the lady who 'revs' you up to get excited for the show was hilarious and perfect at her job. i think i had low expectations for oprah, but she exceeded them. she was funny, self aware, and in touch with the audience and she truly made the stars feel comfortable which i think is a total gift.
it gave me a renewed sense of the fact that i think one day in a million it would be cool to be oprah or jennifer aniston or for that matter adam sandler... there are always draw backs to that.... the fact that people start rumors about you and that they always want to know your business and and and.
it was a once in a lifetime thing and i'm so glad i was able to go. definitely sister in law bonding time i'll never forget! thanks abby!
one off the bucket list,
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